What is Egg (Oocyte) Donation?
In Egg (Oocyte) donation, a couple taken a donation of eggs from a healthy donor women (via Government Registered Egg bank only), And these donated eggs are combined & fertilized with the Sperm of patients’ husband to form Embryos. These embryo are transferred to the Patient (women’s) uterus.
When or why is Egg (Oocyte) donation taken?
Egg (Oocyte) Donation is taken in following cases;
- Turner’s syndrome – a chromosomal anomaly where female is missing X chromosome.
- Premature Ovarian Failure.
- Advanced maternal age.
- Post Cancer treatment like Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy.
- Genetic abnormality in previous children related with oocyte dysfunction like Fragile X syndrome
- Repeated Implantation failures due to bad quality oocytes with normal semen parameters.
- Repeated abortions due to bad quality of oocytes
How is a Egg(Oocyte) donor selected?
The IVF Centre or the fertility hospital will select the donor on the couple’s behalf, while selecting donor, Akruti IVF has a very stringent egg donor selection norms to ensure that the couple get the best quality healthy Eggs(oocytes).
- Basic Physical Health Examination – Good Physical & mental health
- Age limit – Allowed from Age 21 to 35 yrs (Akruti IVF takes egg donors below age of 29 years for best egg quality)
- Routine Investigation – Basic Health screening like basic blood test for, blood group, blood count, HIV, Hepatitis B(HBsAg), thyroid, blood sugar etc is done.
Akruti IVF provides Some advance Evaluation test that can be undertaken at additional cost by the recipient couple;
- Genetic Testing – Karyotype test or chromosomal analysis or Cytogenetic analysis
- Blood Group – Appropriate blood group matching of donor & recipient women.
- Physical Traits matching – Akruti IVF ensures that the egg donor physical traits / characteristics like skin color, hair color, eye colour, height etc are similar to recipient women.
- Ultrasound (ultrasonography) Evaluation – At Akruti IVF the ovarian evaluation is done by Advance 5D ultrasound machine with AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Egg (Oocyte) Donation process
- Shortlisted Egg donor is confirmed with the Egg bank the verification of documentation like legal affidavit, registration with local heath authorities, donor health insurance & other documentation etc. is done
- With confirmation of the documentation the egg donor is assigned for the registered intended recipient patient for treatment.
- Ovarian Stimulation of the egg donor is done with hormonal injections for 10 to 12 days
- After stimulation & Post trigger injection egg pick up is done by a doctor under anesthesia administered by a Anesthetist doctor.
- Retrieved Donor eggs are combined with patient husband’s sperm sample via IVF or ICSI & kept in incubation for 5 days
- On day 5 or 6 the embryo is formed. (The quality of embryo depends upon the patient husband sperm quality sample which can be assessed by SFA (Sperm Function Analysis) & Sperm DNA fragmentation Index test)
- This embryo is transferred to Patients wife’s body
- Post Embryo transfer after 5 to 7 days pregnancy test is done to find out the results.
- Akruti IVF provides the option to do PGS (Pre-implantation Genetic testing) to screen out the abnormal embryo responsible for Repeated (Recurrent) Implantation failure, Repeated (Recurrent) miscarriage, or Genetically abnormal baby.
What is Sperm Donation?
In Sperm donation, a couple taken a donation of sperm from a healthy sperm donor (via Government Registered sperm bank only), And these donated sperms are used to combined & fertilize the Egg (oocyte) of patients’ wife to form Embryos. These embryo are transferred to the Patient (women’s) uterus.
When & why sperm Donations taken?
Sperm Donation is taken in following cases;
- Males with azoospermia (no sperms found by Sperm Retrieval method)
- Normal females with fertilization failures due to poor quality sperms.
- Genetically abnormal embryos due to high DNA fragmentation which is medically non correctable.
- Male with infection like HIV have high risk of transferring to the baby & female patient.
- Low sperm count or abnormal sperms in which patient can’t afford ICSI cycle & female partner is normal.
How is a Egg(Oocyte) donor selected?
The IVF Centre or the fertility hospital will select the sperm donor on the couple’s behalf, while selecting donor, Akruti IVF has a very stringent sperm donor selection norms to ensure that the couple get the best quality healthy sperm.
- Routine Investigation – Basic Health screening like basic blood test for, blood group, blood count, HIV, Hepatitis B(HBsAg), thyroid, blood sugar etc is done.
- Basic Physical Health Examination – Good Physical & mental health
- Age limit – Allowed from Age 21 to 35 yrs (Akruti IVF takes sperm donors below age of 29 years for best sperm quality)
Akruti IVF provides Some advance Evaluation test that can be undertaken at additional cost by the recipient couple;
- Genetic Testing – Karyotype test or chromosomal analysis or Cytogenetic analysis
- Blood Group – Appropriate blood group matching of donor & recipient.
- Physical Traits matching – Akruti IVF ensures that the sperm donor physical traits / characteristics like skin color, hair color, eye colour, height etc are similar to recipient patient husband.
- Advance Sperm Evaluation – At Akruti IVF we can perform advance sperm test like SFA (Sperm Function Analysis) & Sperm DNA fragmentation Index test) (Please note has to be communicated at least 45 to 60 days earlier)
Sperm Donation process
- The Government registered semen (sperm) bank provides the frozen semen sample to the IVF centre / fertility hospital.
- The Semen (Sperm) bank is responsible to take the sperm donation from the sperm donors & provide the same to only IVF Centre or Fertility hospital.
- Before sending the frozen sperm sample, the semen bank need to conduct HIV test twice in the span of 6 months & the sample is quarantined for 6 months until the test are normal.
- Sperm donor is confirmed with the Egg bank the verification of documentation like legal affidavit, registration with local heath authorities & other documentation etc. is done
- With confirmation of the documentation the sperm donor is assigned for the registered intended recipient patient for treatment.
- Donor sperm sample is then combined with patient wife’s egg(oocyte) via IVF or ICSI & kept in incubation for 5 days.
- On day 5 or 6 the embryo is formed (The quality of embryo depends upon the patient wife’s Egg(oocyte quality) which can be improved by Ovarian Rejuvenation (PRP), Oocyte Activation & Medicine Approach.
- This embryo is transferred to Patients wife’s body.
- Post Embryo transfer after 5 to 7 days pregnancy test is done to find out the results.
- Akruti IVF provides the option to do PGS (Pre-implantation Genetic testing) to screen out the abnormal embryo responsible for Repeated (Recurrent) Implantation failure, Repeated (Recurrent) miscarriage, or Genetically abnormal baby.
Sperm and Oocyte Donation are Reproductive options available for Couples or even Single women who wish to build their family allowing for patients with genetic disorders, history of recurrent miscarriage, history of long infertility, azoospermia (in males) , poor oocyte quality or ovarian insufficiency (in females).
Akruti IVF has provided Sperm or Oocyte Donation reproductive services for more than 3000 families.