1. What is ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) with Microfluidics?
ICSI, is a procedure used to treat infertility, in a case where the sperm count is very low. Under Advance Microscope, the healthiest sperms are selected & injected the inside eggs & they are fertilized outside the body in a laboratory & they form embryos. These embryos that are formed are transferred (Embryo Transfer) into the uterus where implantation occurs.
2. How is ICSI done?
The Steps involved in ICSI are as follows:
- The ovaries are stimulated to develop healthy egg.
- The egg are collected.
- Sperm sample provided by the male partner or sperm donor is collect.
- The healthiest sperms are selected & injected inside eggs in the laboratory for fertilization & formation of embryos.
- The embryos are then transferred to the uterus.
- Medications can be given to the woman to ready the uterus to receive the embryos.
3. How many embryos are transferred?
The number of embryos to be transferred will depend upon the following factors:
- Number of embryos
- Health of the embryos
- Age of the woman
- Age of multiple pregnancy
Keeping in mind above factors The IVF Infertility expert doctors at AKRUTI will take the decision regarding the number of embryos to be transferred.
4. What is needed to be done after the embryo is transferred?
After the embryo transfer, the woman may be asked to rest for the reaming day. The woman can resume normal activates the next day. In approximately 2 weeks, she will be asked to return for a pregnancy rest. Some woman may experience some cramping or bloating or breast tenderness. However, if the woman experience heavy vaginal bleeding or pain in the pelvis, blood in the urine, or fever, she should consult doctors at AKRUTI.
5. What is done with the remaining embryos?
AKRUTI has a provision of freezing the remaining embryos. These options allow storage of the embryos for future use, like 2nd child after couple of years or in case of an unfortunate event of miscarriage. These frozen embryos can be kept in storage for years at a nominal cost.
6. Who is suited to ICSI?
There are many factors that contributed to the cause of infertility. ICSI is generally preformed if any of the following problems exit:
- Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes.
- Low sperm count, poor sperm motility or blockage in the tubes that carry sperms in the males.
- Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium (uterine lining) grown outside of the uterus, e.g., ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. This affects both fertility of the egg & implantation of the embryo in the uterus.
- Problems in release or production of eggs.
- Abnormal uterus or cervix, etc
- Unexplained infertility
For more information, kindly consult Reproductive & Genetic expert at AKRUTI IVF Centre.