What is Natural Cycle IVF or no injection IVF or drugs free IVF?
In Natural Cycle IVF no injections (Hormones) are given for induction/stimulation of the eggs, hence the naturally formed egg is monitored under 3D/5D ultrasound machine (hence also called “one / single good egg IVF cycle”), if the egg (oocyte) seems of good quality the egg pick up is done and after combining it with husband sperm the formed embryo is transferred back to female’s body.
Who can opt for Natural cycle IVF or no injection IVF cycle?
- Women with high FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) levels
- Women with risk of developing OHSS (ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome)
- Women with a history/family history of hormone-sensitive cancer.
- Women who do not respond well to stimulation via hormone injections
- Couples with religious & ethical reservation for not producing multiple eggs.
- Couples who want an affordable IVF treatment.
- Couples who do not want to use injections for stimulation.
What are the Advantages of Natural cycle IVF or no injection cycle IVF?
- The couple can opt for multiple natural cycle IVF’s to increase the cumulative chances for successful pregnancy.
- Good option for patients prone to develop OHSS (ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome) or any other complication or side effects from fertility injections/drugs.
- Relatively takes less time due to single egg pick up & no injections.
- Cost effective for couples who cannot afford regular full IVF cycle.
What are the disadvantages of Natural cycle IVF or no injection cycle IVF?
- Since only one egg (oocyte) is developed each time chances of getting an embryo (after combining with husband sperm) is lower as compared to regular IVF cycle.
- Since the egg is develop one in a month & since it is done naturally the women may not produce healthy egg every month thus couple may have to wait for the good quality egg (oocyte) to develop naturally.
How successful is natural cycle IVF is it better than regular IVF cycle?
Everything depends on the fertility health of the women & her body’s ability to produce a good quality egg naturally, for the appropriate women the cumulative (multiple) Natural cycle IVFs may have similar chances of success that of a regular IVF cycle.
How is Natural cycle IVF different at Akruti IVF?
At Akruti IVF the development of the egg is monitored under Advance 5D Ultrasound (used by Advance Fetal Medicine specialist), enabled with AI (Artificial Intelligence) combining that with expert Reproductive Fertility & genetic expert who have experts in managing such cycles makes Akruti IVF an ideal choice.