1. What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS is a condition characterized by multiple cysts (Fluid- filled sacs) in one or both the ovaries & is caused because of an imbalance in a woman’s hormone level. This result in high level of androgens (male hormones). In this condition, a woman menstruates or ovulates (releases an egg) infrequently or not at all. About 5-10% of adolescent girls & woman have PCOS.
2. What are the problems associated with PCOS?
The features of PCOS may differ from woman to woman, but may include any or of the following:
• Less frequent or no menstrual period &/ or irregular bleeding.
• Acne (pimples) & oily shin.
• Excess growth of hair (hirsutism) on the face chest, abdomen, back or pubic area.
•Thinning of hair on the head.
• Weight gain.
• Patches of thickened brown skin tags on the neck, groin, underarms, or skin folds.
• Difficulty in becoming pregnant.
Many of these symptoms are first noticed during the teenage year, soon after the girl begins getting her periods.
Long-term risks or complication related to PCOS are as follows:
• Infertility (inability to get pregnant)
• Insulin resistance (condition in which the body’s cells do not respond to the effects of insulin as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood increases) & / or Diabetes.
• Obesity /overweight
• Abnormal lipid levels, such as high level of “bad” cholesterol & low level of the “good” cholesterol.
•High blood pressure (above 140/90mmHg)
• Endometrial cancer
• Heart problems
3. What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is not known. However, PCOS may be related to many factory working
Together, such as insulin resistance, increased level of androgens & irregular menstrual cycle.
4. How is PCOS diagnosed?
At AKRUTI doctor will take a detailed medical history, especially about the women’s menstrual cycle & reproductive events & examine for increased acne, hair growth or any other features of PCOS. The doctor may recommend an ultersonogaphy (USG), blood tests for abnormal hormone or sugar level, & blood pressure.
5. What is the relationship between PCOS & Infertility?
Many woman with PCOS are unable to produce & release an egg due to multiple hormone imbalance e.g., insulin, androgens, oestrogen, progesterone, thyroid, proactin, etc.).
These hormones influence each other leading to the development of numerous small cysts in the ovaries & lesser chances of producing & releasing an egg. PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility.
6. How s PCOS treated?
At AKRUTI we believe as each woman is different, so are her problems, their severity & treatment. Accordingly, the different treatment options are as follows:
• Lifestyle & dietary modifications (PTO)
• Bleaching, waxing, shaving, ointments, hormonal pills, etc. for removal of hair
• Creams ointments, antibiotic hormonal pills, etc. to treat acne
•Hormonal pills for regularizing the menses for management of acne & hirsutism & for woman having difficulty becoming pregnant.
7. How is PCOS- related infertility treated?
For anovulatory infertility in women with PCOS, several methods have been widely used to treat anovulation & thereby, increase the chances of pregnancy.
Lifestyle measure, including a proper diet & increased physical activity with weight reduction, are the first-line treatment in PCOS management.
Some medicine may be prescribed by Doctors at AKRUTI to stimulated ovulation. Sometime even surgery may be requied. Matrutva Endoscopy Centre, Dombivli a hospital unit of AKRUTI is renoned for the advanced Laproscopy & other surgeries.