Pregnancy Fetal Ultrasound Scans / Sonography (Fetal Medicine)
Scans or Sonography also called ultrasound / ultrasonography, is usually carried out vaginally or sometimes abdomen post 7 weeks of pregnancy. Early pregnancy scans can tell you about number of foetuses inside the womb. These scans can also be helpful in detecting any kind of bleeding, ectopic pregnancy or any kind of miscarriages.
Early Pregnancy Viability Scan

7th Week to 10th Week Scan.
NT-NB Scan (Nuchal/Nasal bone)

11th Week to 13 Week 6 days Scan
Anomaly Scan (Anatomy)

18th Week to 24th Week Scan
Growth Scan (Well being)

After 28th week
Baby Heart Scan (Fetal EchoCardiography)

Fetal Echo
Cervical Scan (Pregnancy)

Early Pregnancy Viability scan (7th to 10th week)
This early scan in your first trimester will be based on your last menstrual period. On the basis of that your exact pregnancy age will be calculated. If there is some issue in scan or due to late menstrual period your gestational age is not proper, your doctor will call you after a week to ensure the correct gestational age as per your menstrual period. These scans will show number of foetuses, foetal heart rate and foetal shape should be clear.
NT-NB Scan (Nuchal translucency)
The NT scan is an ultrasound scan which is performed to find out the unborn baby’s risk of having any chromosomal abnormalities including Down syndrome as well as congenital heart diseases. NT scan can detect Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome); Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome); and other structural problems, such as abdominal wall and skeletal defects. NT scan is often accompanied along with a blood test called double marker or Dual marker so as to confirm of any risk of your baby.
This ultrasound scans during prenatal tests is widely used as a powerful tool for detecting fetal anomalies during pregnancy. If any abnormality is detected, more investigations can be initiated, and chromosomal abnormalities can be ruled out.
Fetal Anomaly scan
It is one of the most important scan in pregnancy as it detects any congenital anomalies in the growing fetus. This scan is usually done between 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Radiologist will scan your baby from head to toe to look for any defects. It can be done either 3D or 4D. Apart from defect of the fetus this scan also measure the fetal movements, check the amniotic fluid, whether the internal organs are growing proper, position of placenta and any kind of deformities.
Fetal growth scan
This ultrasound is usually carried out between 24-30 weeks which measures the little one’s growth and progress. Using growth charts and measuring your baby’s size against the number of weeks in pregnancy, we can assess your baby’s development and also provide an estimated foetal weight.
A growth scan is a safe and non-invasive way to check your baby’s growth and development during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, the images captured offer a special moment for expecting parents. It’s an opportunity to bond with your little one and watch as they move around in the womb.
Fetal echocardiography
This scan is used to check the heart of a developing baby. Fetal echo can help find any heart defects before birth. If a heart problem is found early, more likely the treatment can be started. Fetal echo is recommended in cases:
- Another child was born with a heart defect
- Family history of genetic heart problems
- Genetic problem found in the fetus
- You are taking certain medicines that may cause congenital heart defects. These include certain medicines for seizures, depression, and acne. They also include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) and blood pressure medicines (ACE-inhibitors).
- You have abused alcohol or drugs during your pregnancy
- You have certain health problems such as diabetes, lupus, or phenylketonuria
- You have had certain infections during your pregnancy. These include German measles (rubella) or cytomegalovirus.
- You had abnormal test results from other tests
- You conceived by assisted reproductive technology
- Your baby was noted to have too fast, slow, or irregular heartbeats on exam
- Abnormalities seen on fetal ultrasound
- You became pregnant at an advanced age
Cervical scan
If you are at a risk of pre-mature birth then this scan is very helpful for you. It is used to assess the uterine cervical length so as if there is as chance of premature delivery your doctor can advise you to get admit. A cervical scan is recommended for people at high risk for preterm birth, such as those who have:
- Had a previous preterm birth
- Have multiple pregnancies
- Have had cervical surgery
- Have uterine abnormalities