Endometrial Improvement Programme

Endometrial Rejuvenation is the process to improve quality of Endometrium for successful implantation of embryo.
This process involves improvement in endometrial thickness & blood supply which helps to support embryos for implantation giving them proper nutrition & hormones.
Which conditions need this treatment?
Constantly thin endometrium having thickness below 7 mm due to following conditions.
♦ Low levels of Estrogen hormone.
♦ Inadequate blood flow
♦ Fibroid(s) in the endometrial tissue
♦ Pelvic infections
♦ Asherman’s syndrome – formation of adhesions (scar tissues) inside the endometrial cavity either post D&C or due to pelvic infections.
♦ Excessive use of clomiphene citrate -a drug used for ovarian stimulation
♦ Post hysteroscopic surgeries done for removal of polyps, fibroids & adhesions – due to excessive use of electric cautery.
What are the treatment plans done for Endometrial Rejuvenation?
1 – Supplements of Estrogen & Progesterone hormones.
2 – Intrauterine infusion of Granulocyte colony stimulating Factor (GCSF), a protein which stimulates bone marrow to produce more blood. Pretty effective, as its directly infused into uterus, the body part which needs blood.
3 – Sub Cutaneous infusion of GCSF – Similar to above, but instead of infusing into uterus, its injected in skin. It should be given in regulated quantity, because if too much White Blood Cells (WBC) are pulled in reproductive organs, there may not be enough left in body to fight the infection.
4 – Vasoactive drugs like aspirin, vitamin E, l-arginine, sildenafil. These activate the blood vessels to increase flow towards uterus, endometrium.
5 – Intrauterine infusion of Platelet Rich Plasma in which patient’s own blood plasma is extracted from her body, enriched with platelets and then infused back into uterus.
6 – Perivascular stem cell therapy is a new research & giving good results in improvement of Endometrial Thickness. It can generate endometrial cells. However its still in research stage.
7 – Hysteroscopy is done for diagnosis of endometrial infection, removal of fibroids, polyps ,adhesions to improve the endometrial surface quality & then Endometrial Rejuvenation Programme is started till the time effective results are achieved.
8 – In few cases Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) is kept, to avoid post-surgical adhesions & improvement of cell growth in endometrial tissue.
9 – Associated treatment to improve blood supply of Endometrium include acupuncture, stress management, Exercise, Nutrition plan, yoga, Fertility message, castor oil packs.
Success factors
Endometrial Rejuvenation Treatment is successful if we achieve below:
1 – Endometrial Thickness above 9 mm with good blood supply as monitored with Colour Doppler.
2 – Sub-endometrial blood supply up to Zone 4, the zone which is closest to the embryo.
Akruti IVF LLP centre has successfully carried out Endometrial Rejuvenation Treatment which has led to successful embryo implantation. The pregnancy thereafter can be achieved through Natural Fertilization, and if that does not work, through IUI or IVF teatments.
Advanced Colour Doppler For Implantation Rate Improvement
Advanced colour doppler is a sonography method to study blood supply of various organs in our body. In the context of infertility, the method used is transvaginal sonography and objective is to study blood supply to organs of reproductive such as, endometrium, uterus and corpus luteum.
If the blood supply is not adequate, measures should be taken to correct it.
Chances of embryo implantation (henceforth referred to only as implantation) can be increased by 30% if the blood supply to these organs is brought to correct level.
What are the benefits of using colour Doppler in improving implantation?
It is a non–invasive technique of monitoring blood supply of endometrium. i.e. there is no surgery involved. Just a probe in inserted to get the readings of blood supply.
It gives perfect values of blood flow in the endometrium.
If these values are low, treatment to improve the blood supply of endometrium can be planned.
Improving endometrial blood supplyimproves implantation rate.
Apart from measuring the blood supply, diagnosis of any pathology interfering with implantation like polyp, fibroid, adhesions can also be diagnosed.
If any such outgrowth, Hysteroscopy need to be done for removal, post which normal treatment can resume.
What all details you can monitor?
As mentioned above, we use this technique to monitor flow to various reproductive organs.
First let’s talk about blood supply to endometrium. Poor blood supply results in poor oxygen level. This causes implantation failure.
There are 4 zones in endometrium which are studied for blood supply for implantation.
With the help of colour doppler doctors can monitor to what level the supply has reached.
Endometrium showing vascularity in zone 3 & 4 signifies good levels, implying high chances of embryo implantation to be successful.
Second let’s talk about blood flow to corpus luteum, which is formed to support hormones required for implantation. This is important information as doctors can give supplements of hormones required for improving implantation.
Factors indicating that Advanced Colour Doppler treatment would be helpful.
This treatment will be helpful, if patient shows following conditions:
- ♦ Repeated embryo implantation failures.
- ♦ Repeated abortion history.
- ♦ Post infection treatment taken for endometrium.
- ♦ Thin endometrium. Hysteroscopy link
- ♦ Adenomyosis – unwanted tissue growth in uterus, resulting in low blood supply
- ♦ Fibroids in uterus – again resulting in reduced or no blood supply.
Important thing to note is that, Advanced Colour Doppler only helps in identifying the root cause of the issue. It needs experienced doctors to prescribe the correction course.
e.g. the remedy to correct last two factors would be a Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy surgery to remove the unwanted tissues, post which infertility treatment can resume.
Colour doppler sonography preferably done by transvaginal technique is a tool that may disclose some of the mysteries of implantation failure.
Good blood supply to endometrium improves success rate of implantation.
Colour doppler sonography is a blessing to infertility patient which is available at Akruti IVF LLP centre at Dombivli. We not just offer this service, but also the cure for the findings.
To know more about various Male and Female infertility treatments, please call Akruti IVF centre Dombivli at the numbers mentioned on top of this page. Akruti IVF is the best IVF center in Mumbai and its suburban areas like Thane, Kalyan Ambernath, Badalapur, Palava, Mumbra.