What is IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection)?

IMSI is an improvement over ICSI technique. It is used for selection of best quality healthy sperms using super high-magnification Digital Imaging Microscope.

Akruti IVF is one of the few centers which have this super high-magnification Digital Imaging Microscope. Because of this super powerful microscope, which magnifies the sperms 6000 times, even the tiniest of the abnormalities are identified easily. As a result best healthy sperms can be selected there by increasing the success rate.

When to go in for IMSI 

  • Poor sperm quality 
  • Poor sperm morphology – the shape shows abnormality
  • Low sperm count 
  • Sperms extracted through TESA / TESE / PESA / Micro-TESE – The retrieved sperms are too weak to fertilize the eggs on their own. 
  • Repeated implantation failure
  • Repeated abortions or miscarriages 
  • Failed fertilization
  • Bad quality Embryos – e.g. those look granulated or stop growing.

IMSI procedure steps

  • Semen sample is prepared on the day of ICSI by Embryologist either fresh or frozen. 
  • Single best sperm is selected by trained embryologist under special microscope having 6000 times magnification power of normal microscope.
  • After Ovum Pick up, eggs are washed & examined to select mature eggs for injection of this morphologically normal sperm. 
  • Sperm is injected in the selected oocyte (egg) using ICSI needle. 
  • Oocytes are then kept for culture in labelled sterile culture dishes for fertilization. 

Benefits of IMSI

  • Enhances implantation rate due to selection of morphologically normal. (Embryos that look good without any deformity)
  • Reduces miscarriage rate. 
  • Improved success rate in repeated implantation failure. 
  • Reduces chances of chromosomal & genetically abnormal embryo formation.

IMSI procedure is a special technique used by specially trained embryologist with a high magnification microscope for selection of morphologically normal sperms to give a high success rate in implantation & healthy pregnancy.

Akruti IVF Centre is one of the few centres to have this technology available for Sperm selection giving high success rate of pregnancy.