Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (Henceforth known as PRP) is a concentrated blood product that contains a high percentage of platelets. 

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is used for regeneration of tissue & amplifying the natural growth factor in the body required for healing of tissue.

Plasma is a liquid portion of whole blood which contains Water +Protein + Red Blood Cells + white blood cells & Platelets(thrombocytes)

Platelets are the main functioning cells for blood clot formation & growth factor function. 

Platelet activation plays a key role in improving natural healing process in the body.

What is the Role of PRP in infertility?

 1 – It helps improve quantity and quality of egg (oocyte) in patients producing poor oocytes due to Premature Ovarian Failure or increased age.

 2 – Helps improve Endometrial Thickness & Receptivity which betters the chances of conception. 

 3 – Improves success rate in case of recurrent implantation failure.

How PRP is prepared?

Step 1 – Healthcare professionals collect required amount of blood from patient in a test tube. 

Step 2 – Blood is centrifuged for 15 min in a machine that spins very high separating different blood components.

Step 3 – A lab technician collects the plasma rich in platelets & devoid of cellular components 

Step 4 – A syringe is prepared with the solution & kept ready for clinician to injection.

What is the technique used for injecting this PRP?

The technique differs depending on the infertility problem faced by the patient.

Problem at hand PRP Technique usedSpecial considerations 
Improve egg (oocyte) quality & quantity1-3 ml of PRP is directly injected in the ovariesDone under anaesthesia & sonography / laparoscopic  guidance. Done 2-3 month prior to cycle planning. 
Improve ovarian function8-10 ml of PRP is inseminated in endometrial cavity by SSG Canula.Done 2-3 month prior to cycle planning. After infusion patient rest for 10 min
Improve Endometrial Thickness & Receptivity3-5 ml of PRP is infused in the endometrial cavity by IUI Canula1. Done under ultrasonography guidance.  2 Done 48 hours prior to Embryo Transfer in recurrent implantation failure.  3. Done on 8th-10th day of Endometrium Preparation. 4. Repeat in 72 hours if not desired effect.

What are the side effects of PRP?

This is a very safe procedure. 

Mild side effects like infection & bleeding during procedure may occur but easily curable & nothing more serious.


PRP is an innovative therapeutic procedure which is very affordable, simple, easily performed, non-invasive & on top of that, gives promising results in cases of non-functional ovaries & Endometrial Receptivity.

This and many more Male and Female infertility treatments are available to patients of Thane, Kalyan Ambernath, Badalapur, Palava, Mumbra area. Please call  Akruti IVF centre Dombivli at the numbers mentioned on top of this page to know how we can assist you.